Make better decisions by using our directly applicable reports and insights.
To help you analyse the trends and potential in your database, we offer you a few insights and reports. Your reports and insights are ready to be consulted within a few minutes via the DonorTrends portal. We make it easier for you to understand the well-being of your fundraising programme and give you practical tools to make improvements.
Dashboard report
The dashboard report gives you the opportunity to discover the following within three clicks:
Your retention of donors
The possibilities of upgrading middle and major donors
The lifetime value
The statistics that matter the most!
MAAP rapport (Master Audit & Action Plan)
Stop the guesswork in the selection of donors. Smart segmentation starts with DonorScores. With the help of 10 predictive models you can accurately:
Identify likely upgraders.
Identify monthly donors.
Determine which donors are reactivatable.
Identify the legacies of donors.
Determine which donors are most likely to respond in direct mail or telemarketing campaigns.
Find out who are potential middle and major donors.
After receiving your data we are able to deliver the report within a day. You will directly gain insight into the performances of your database driven fundraising.
Member Metrics
Does your organisation have members who pay for their membership and donate in addition? Then Member Metrics, i.e. an analysis of your member base, could offer you a solution. An analysis of 5 years that analyses the retention and donating behaviour of your donors.
Socio-demographic report
A simple analysis of your database based on 50 socio-demographic characteristics offers you extra insight in your donor base. Pay attention to the:
Affluence of your donors
Family structure
Type of house they are living in
Place of residence
After you have given us your data, we are able to create socio-demographic profiles for your donors. In combination with an analysis based on your legacies or major donors this will provide valuable insights, enabling you to enhance the efficiency of your campaigns. Approach the right donors with the right message.
Custom made reports
It is possible to receive custom made reports. By filling in the form below you can contact us so we can discuss the possibilities together. A few examples to give you an impression:
Payback times.
on campaigns.
per recruitment channel from the last 5 or 10 years.
per rented direct mail list.
per TM office or per F2F office.
payback times per 6, 12, 18 and 24 months.
Investment analysis.
Models with multiple scenarios that calculate investments.
Response statistics.
Contact us
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